Patriotism : Paragraph

Patriotism is a quality that inspires a man to do everything just and fair for the well-being and betterment of thecountry. It is the quality that impels a man to sacrifice his own interest, comfort, pleasure and even his life. Patriotic zeal makes a man dutiful. He cannot sit idle. He gets energetic and enthusiastic to work for the country. He obeys the laws, pays taxes and thinks for the country. Patriotism is a quality that teaches a man fellow-feeling fraternity, love and sympathy for the countrymen. A patriotic man gets pleasure in removing the sufferings and his fellowmen. devotes antrary, a man devoid patriotic wa sorrows of his fellowmen. He devotes his time and energy to develop the country, its culture and civilization, its economic and political system. On the contrary, a man devoid of patriotic zeal engages all his time in achieving his mean end. He causes harm to the country by his unyielding and reckless activities. He is an anarchist, He is an enemy to the liberty and sovereignty of the country. He has no scruples to plot against the country.

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