Smoking : Paragraph

Smoking is a habit where one consumes items like cigarette, biri, etc made from tobacco and other products. It is a very dangerous habit. People generally smoke to get pleasure for the time being. Some smoke only as a fashion, which later turns into a habit. Many young people just try to imitate seniors, and some are addicted by the influence of bad companions. However, smoking for a few days out of curiosity initiates the habit of smoking regularly. Very soon, one becomes addicted to smoking. Smoking is injurious to human health. Our younger generation is becoming addicted to smoking without knowing what damages they are causing to their health. It may cause cancer, heart attack, bronchitis, numbness, loss of memory, etc. One puff of cigarette smoke contains a huge amount of injurious matters like nicotine, carbon monoxide, methyl alcohol and many other harmful elements. Nicotine obstructs the flow of blood through veins. This reduces the supply of oxygen in our body. As a result, blood pressure rises and heart beat increases, which cause heart attack. Besides, carbon monoxide absorbs the oxygen from our blood. Thus, smoking poisons our body slowly. Smoking is equally harmful to a non-smoker who stays beside a smoker. So, the younger generation should avoid smoking cigarettes. Our government should take initiatives to stop smoking. Young people should be made conscious of the bad effects of smoking. They can engage themselves in games and sports, helping the poor and in constructive work for society to avoid the attraction of smoking.

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