The Neighbour I Like Most : Paragraph

Neighbours are those people who live next to us. I live in a village among some good neighbours of different professions. Among them, I like Mr. Hasan the most for his good behaviour and co-operative nature. He is my next-door neighbour. He is a doctor. He always helps us in our troubles and dangers. If someone of our family falls ill, he offers his all-out help of treatment. Sometimes he gives us medicines. He never gets annoyed when he is called in even at mid-night. He is very sociable. He talks to all with an open heart. We always can expect help from him. He has no malice against anyone. He is a man of good and amiable behaviour. Whenever I visit him, he receives me cordially. He helps all the people of our locality without considering their class and status in the society. He is known as a friend to the poor, because he always delivers free treatment to the poor. He is an ideal person. So, I like him most, and feel proud of having such a good neighbour.

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